Friday, June 27, 2008

Vocab Wizard,On Chapter 7&8 [farid azfar 31 2c]

1) flunked -
To fail (an examination or course).
To give a failing grade to.

2) breeches - knee-length trousers, often having ornamental buckles or elaborate decoration at or near the bottoms, commonly worn by men and boys in the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centuries.

3)shuddered - To shiver convulsively, as from fear or revulsion. See Synonyms at shake.

4)embalming -
To treat (a corpse) with preservatives in order to prevent decay.
To protect from change or oblivion; preserve or fix

5) rendered -
To submit or present, as for consideration, approval, or payment: render a bill.
To give or make available; provide: render assistance.

6) unfathomable -
Difficult or impossible to understand; incomprehensible: unfathomable theories.
Difficult or impossible to measure: the unfathomable depths.

7) restrained -
To hold back or keep in check; control: couldn't restrain the tears.

8) glistened - A sparkling, lustrous shine.

9) procured - to obtain or get by care, effort, or the use of special means: to procure evidence.

10) reckoned -
To make a calculation; figure.

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